We love our students here at Be Fitness, especially our monthly members. Their passion for pole is such an inspiration to us as teachers! So each month we’ll be spotlighting a new student!


pole dance student

How long have you been doing pole?

One year now!

What made you decide to start pole classes?

No joke, I was randomly watching Rock of Ages one night, and the “Shadows of the Night” scene with the group pole number really inspired me to start looking into pole fitness as a way to unleash myself in that form of self-expression. I started watching YouTube polers and couldn’t wait to see if I could do what they were doing. Powerful, sexy art.

What was your first class like?

I took mixed-level power pole. I instantly felt comfortable and at ease with the other students, the instructor, and with the pole. Some moves felt natural and others felt REALLY awkward. I was incredibly sore the next day, and couldn’t wait for the next class

What is your favorite trick?

It’s a toss up between the Gemini and the Cupid.

What has been the biggest challenge since starting pole?

The immense amount of strength it takes to perform the tricks is the most challenging part of it for me, aside from putting all of your emotions out on the table. The studio is definitely not a place where you can hide or run away from your emotions.

What is your dream trick to land?

The Jade. Full split.

What is favorite part of pole fitness?

The community of amazing, supportive, and authentic people who are always there for you no matter what kind of day you’re having, and the transformation I have seen in myself.

What advice would you give to new pole students?

Cut yourself some slack and keep pushing through the rough or awkward patches, because although pole is not easy, the personal and physical transformations that come out of it are well worth all the bruises. BE EXCITED! You’re doing an amazing thing that not many other people can!