We love our students here at Be Fitness, especially our monthly members. Their passion for pole is such an inspiration to us as teachers! So each month we’ll be spotlighting a new student!


pole dance student

How long have you been doing pole?

5 1/2 months

What made you decide to start pole classes?

I’ve done it a few times for bachelorette parties and enjoyed the classes. I was looking for something new to try, so when I came across the Groupon I thought, ‘Why not?’ Plus, what woman wouldn’t want the boost in self-confidence and to feel sexy?

What was your first class like?

My first class was amazing– the girls were nice and the instructors was helpful. Personally, I initially felt intimidated and defeated because I couldn’t whip myself around like everyone else could. That was my own block that I had to get over quickly. All the girls in that class were so encouraging and supportive that it felt less intimidating by the end of class.

What is your favorite trick?

Shooting star, ballerina, Hollywood spin...I can’t pick just one!

What has been the biggest challenge since starting pole?

Accepting that failure is a part of progress. Before I got my climb, I would get so frustrated that something wasn’t clicking and I couldn’t get up the pole. For me, a lot of it is a mental block. Once I started to break through those blocks, things clicked. Everyone in class is so supportive and they all give tips and tricks on what helped them.

What is your dream trick to land?

Shooting star into superman combo

What is favorite part of pole fitness?

Everything—the confidence and sexiness you start feeling is the best ever. I’ve met some amazing women in these classes, and am so thankful for their friendships and encouragement!

What advice would you give to new pole students?

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. So many times in class I catch myself saying “are you crazy? I can’t do that,” and then I prove myself wrong. Come in knowing that no matter what your level, it gets better every class and you’ll be climbing to the top of the pole in no time!